PRESS RELEASE: Well North Enterprises CIC and Prospect Business Consulting LTD

Published On: 7th March 2022

WNE and Prospect are delighted to announce a formal partnership. The two organisations have a 7-year history of collaborating closely on more than 20 projects that improve health and economic wellbeing. We have now decided to enter into a formal partnership beginning on April 1st, 2022.

WNE’s work has a 30-year history and Prospect has 17 years’ experience of delivering change management and transformation. Both partners offer a wide range of services which we will continue to provide as we are looking to expand our joint offer.

The focus of WNE has been place-based transformation using a diagnostic/immersion/mobilisation approach. We work to deliver integrated health and community place-making within the public sector as well as with major private sector businesses. WNE also works across both public and private sectors in our national STEM work with Prof Brian Cox to raise aspiration and attainment in local communities.

Prospect Business Consulting has delivered almost 500 projects with a focus on developing strong leadership, effective teams, and high performing partnerships through leadership development, bespoke training, culture change, team development and 1-1 coaching.

Both organisations take a relational, people-based approach. We focus on partnership development and facilitating collaborative working. To quote Lord Andrew Mawson; ‘Fundamentally it’s about people rather than structures’.

More details of recent work are available on the Prospect and Well North Enterprises websites.

From 1 April, WNE and Prospect are joining forces to offer our combined skills and expertise to people, organisations and businesses wanting to make transformational change happen – developing organisations and places through innovation and culture change.

WNE and Prospect believe that by taking a corporate social opportunity approach, seeing problems as opportunities, and working with a wide range of partners, we can jointly create solutions that go further than ‘just fixing the issue’ by additionally positively impacting the lives of those inside organisations and in communities. We sometimes refer to this as creating ‘innovation platforms.’

We find that organisations very often either focus on new estate; a hospital, a health centre, a town centre or housing development, or they focus on a change management programme looking at how they operate and deliver services. We believe that bringing these together in a 360 degree, integrated and holistic approach and seeing the whole picture together can be the catalyst for genuine, long-lasting and systemic change and transformation, and our new partnership is well placed to support this approach, bringing together people to transform the physical environment to transform health and economic well-being.

For further information, or to discuss how we might add value to your organisation, contact Louise Johnson at


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