Science Summer School Northern Ireland unveiled for June

Published On: 23rd March 2022

Well North Enterprises (WNE) is joining forces with Mid & East Antrim Borough Council to bring world-leading academic and industry leaders to inspire and activate the curiosity of the students attending the Science Summer School Northern Ireland on 22 June.

The Science Summer School initiative was established in 2012 at St. Paul’s Way Trust School in East London by Lord Andrew Mawson OBE, Chairman of WNE, and Professor Brian Cox CBE. The project is now expanding nationally with the aim to make ‘the UK the best place to do science and engineering in the world’.

In addition to an enjoyable and challenging daytime programme for students including speaker presentations and participatory workshops, students, their parents/guardians and special guests will be invited to an evening reception followed by a panel session led by Professor Cox OBE with some of the keynote speakers.

This will provide a valuable opportunity to highlight the evolution of career pathways and opportunities available for the future workforce drawing on the experiences of the speakers.

Find out more by watching the event launch animation below.

Ryobi are the headline sponsor of the Science Summer School Northern Ireland event, which aims to inspire young people to become the next generation of scientists with an inspirational programme that mixes the best of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) through a series of seminars, discussions and hands-on experiments.

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Matthew Armstrong, said: “Council’s Manufacturing Task Force are delighted to be working with a range of local businesses, schools, universities and partner organisations to bring this exciting opportunity to the borough.

“We are thrilled that this event is now going accessible to young people in Mid and East Antrim. Our hope is that they will be inspired to embark on a future in science and maybe even become leaders in that field.”

Managing Director of Ryobi, Marco Emig, said: “Ryobi are delighted to be the headline sponsor of this event.

“Science and the desire to learn more about how our world works, and about how we can use that information to improve how we live our lives, has never been more attractive or relevant as a subject area and a potential career path. We are very much looking forward to seeing the creative ideas generated from our young people.”

Lord Mawson added: “The Science Summer School initiative here in Northern Ireland will activate the curiosities of the young people who take part and hopefully inspire them to great things.

“This annual celebratory event and the allied programme of STEAM related activity throughout the year provide a vital catalyst to bring together different partners from education and enterprise. I am delighted to see so many companies have ‘signed up’ to support our first event this year.

“There is never a better time to be bringing the Science Summer School Northern Ireland hosted by Professor Cox to Ballymena”.

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