Dr Jean Jenkins


Jean is a committed and compassionate clinical leader, dedicated to tackling poor outcomes and inequalities.

More than 20 years’ experience as a GP partner and a clinical director has given Jean valuable insight – which she’s keen to share. She has a detailed understanding of primary care and the drivers for individual GP practices, and systems around the country are benefiting from her inspiring expertise.

Jean always puts the emphasis on person-centred, individualised care. By walking in that person’s shoes, she ensures the journey, pathway or service makes sense.

A supportive, nourishing community is a powerful factor in our sense of wellbeing. So Jean always makes it a key priority to develop a sense of place. She encourages everyone to identify the many assets that make a particular place special, striving to make people proud of where they live.

At home Jean is likely to be found knee deep in her vegetable patch or striding across a fellside.

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